Disclaimer and copyright

Disclaimer and copyright



This website is constantly evolving and part of it can be modified or deleted by the authors. The information that appears on the SoildiverAgro project website has gone through a process that ensures its quality. However, project members do not guarantee the integrity, accuracy and timeliness of the data.

Neither the European Commission nor the SoildiverAgro project will be liable if there is any loss or damage caused by the use of the data present on the web. The links available on the SoildiverAgro website are outside the project and are beyond its responsibility.

The data and reports available on this website have been generated during the development of the SoildiverAgro project, and its members are responsible. The European Commission has no responsibility.

It is possible that the web presents errors. If you detect any, do not hesitate to contact the members of the project to try to remedy it.

This is a disclaimer from the SoildiverAgro project website. If any of its sections is not legal or correct, the validity of any other section will not be influenced.


Copyright, terms of use and privacy policy

The website of the European SoildiverAgro project is a part of the SoildiverAgro project, funded by the European Commission, under the HORIZON 2020 Framework Program, Contract Number: 817819), and is therefore protected by Copyright Laws. Full ownership and copyright of all data, information and methodologies contained within this website are reserved.

The SoildiverAgro project has been developed with the purpose of studying how a series of factors affect soil biodiversity, but also with the objective of communicating, disseminating and making the results obtained accessible. Therefore, unless otherwise specified, the contents of the Website may be used for non-commercial purposes under the following conditions:

  1. The users of the project material (data, information, documents, etc.), should add a reference to the authors of said material, as well as to the SoildiverAgro project in general.
  2. If too much material resulting from the SoildiverAgro is used, the co-authorship of the proposed publication or work must be offered to the SoildiverAgro. In this case, project members will decide if they are interested in participating, or if they allow the publication.
  3. The authors of any publication that refers to SoildiverAgro have to send a copy of the document or a reference to the Project Coordinator’s email (davidfc@uvigo.es).

The personal data of those users who use information from the Web will remain anonymous unless the user indicates and allows otherwise. The use of postal addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, or email addresses for marketing purposes (spam) is not allowed.

Faculty of Sciences
Polithecnic Building
32004 Ourense (Spain)

© SoildiverAgro 2024