
The last soil sampling event in Finland for WP5 in boreal region for case studies 14b and 15 in June

The last and third year’s soil samples were taken on the 15th of June from boreal field case study 14b in wheat field located in Tyynelä farm, Joutseno, Finland. The experimental field in case study 14b was established in wheat field to study the effects of tillage on soil biodiversity. The effects of direct sowing with minimum tillage and continuous plant cover between mouldboard deep ploughing are investigated. Partners involved: Luke and Tyynelän

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Annual SoildiverAgro regional meeting for the boreal region in 2023

A regional meeting for all project members and Finnish partners on current topics and ongoing tasks in the SoildiverAgro project will be held in Helsinki at Luke Viikki and online in Teams next Monday 8th  of May between 09:00 h and 12:00 h. Organized by the Boreal regional coordinator Krista Peltoniemi from Luke, 17 project members from Luke, Petla, Kilpiä and Tyynelä farm partners have been invited. The objective of the meeting is to discuss and change information about the…

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Upcoming webinar: “Network to Innovate: Crop biodiversity”

On the next 18th of April 2023, starting at 9:30 CET, the National Rural Networks of Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Poland are organising a workshop “Network to Innovate: Crop Biodiversity”. The workshop will cover four inspiring examples of innovations. The main objective of the event is to create a space for the networking and the exchange of knowledge on projects and initiatives from Nordic-Baltic countries. All interested participants are welcome, regardless of their country. However, the working language of this workshop…

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IPPN is offering travel support grants for the GSBC2023

The Root Phenotyping Working Group of the International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN) is now offering Travel support grants (2 grants, up to 500 EUR each) to early career researchers participating in the Global Soil Biodiversity Conference (Dublin, March 13th-15th 2023). Travel Grant Applications are due by March 8th to: Saoirse Tracy, Vice Chair of the Root Phenotyping Working Group, IPPN Criteria: ·  Early career researchers (within PhD or 5 full time years from PhD completion) ·  Confirmed participation with a…

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SoildiverAgro, SOILGUARD and Excalibur co-organize the workshop “Molecular and Traditional Methods to Assess Soil Biodiversity” at the 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference

This workshop will be held on 14th March 2023 at the 3rd GSB Conference and it will be organized in the form of round table presentations, where representatives of three H2020 sister projects, SoildiverAgro, SOILGUARD, and EXCALIBUR, will present the projects aims and outcomes and the methodologies used for soil biodiversity assessment, orienting the session towards opening debate among the speakers and the attendees. The second part will be led by 3 relevant speakers from SoilBON, EUdaphobase and JRC LUCAS which will…

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New strategies in potato cultivation by SoildiverAgro

New strategies in potato cultivation to attack nematodes and reduce phosphate fertilizers. That is the title given by the media outlet Campo Galego to one of its most recent posts. The news covers the SoildiverAgro journey held in Xinzo de Limia where the project shared its results of several lines of research that seek a more sustainable potato production to reduce costs. Campo Galego also covers different results in the first harvest of the project. If you want to deep…

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FAR meets farmers

Last week our german partner FlächenAgentur Rheinland GmbH (FAR) organised a meeting with farmers, agronomists and biologists. It was placed at Willich, North-Rhine-Westphalia, where FAR informed farmers and employees of the Stiftung Rheinische Kulturlandschaft via a regional meeting about the SoildiverAgro project and the scientific field experiments in Germany. The meeting was held to give a general overview about the project and a more specific one about the latest practices and results, related to CS10: focus on Biocontrol of soil-borne…

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SoildiverAgro mention at Campo Galego

The regional digital newspaper Campo Galego has given a shout-out to the SoildiverAgro project in one of its most recent posts. The article covers the journey celebrated on the 14th of December, where our project coordinator David Fernández Calviño presented the results of the SoildiverAgro project that would help the transition into a more sustainable agriculture that improves potato production in Galicia. This ties in with the previous talks of the journey where the researcher Laura Meno explained the usefulness…

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32004 Ourense (Spain)

© SoildiverAgro 2025