Suitable crop diversification

SoildiverAgro at a Training Session for Regional Growers in Belgium

Sander Fleerakkers from Proefstation voor de Groenteteelt, a key partner of SoildiverAgro, delivered a training session to 58 regional growers, on December 4th in Belgium. The focus of the session was on cover crops and their interaction with soil life, providing valuable insights into the role of cover crops in enhancing soil health. During the training, key results from SoildiverAgro’s ongoing research were shared, highlighting the significant impact of cover crops on soil ecosystems and biodiversity. These findings further demonstrate…

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Arable farming a success debate at the second Belgian discussion group

The Belgian partners of SoildiverAgro organized a second discussion group with stakeholders on the 30th of June. This time for the Flemish case studies that included arable crops. The name of the event was: “Discussion group: soil life and soil quality in arable farming”. Due to the corona crisis this was still in digital format. We used our experience of the first digital event to make also the second discussion group a success. Fifteen participants with different profiles and backgrounds…

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Faculty of Sciences
Polithecnic Building
32004 Ourense (Spain)

© SoildiverAgro 2025