The Finnish Agricultural Science Days 2024 (Maataloustieteenpäivät Päivät)will take place in Helsinki Viikki campus next 10th and 11th of January. The objective of this scientific meeting is to gather researchers, teachers, students, entrepreneurs, experts and other stakeholders in Finland to listen to recent scientific research results and trends from different sectors of agronomy.
LUKE experts from boreal region involved in WP5 and WP6 will be participating on the first session:
8:30-8:50 Annika Tienhaara: Viljelijöiden kiinnostus monimuotoisuutta tukeviin viljelykäytäntöihin (Farmers‘ interest in farming practices that support biodiversity)
9:10-9:30 Krista Peltoniemi: Muokkauksen ja kerääjäkasvien vaikutus maaperän eliöyhteisöön tilakokeissa: SoildiverAgro-tutkimuksen alustavia tuloksia (The effect of tillage and cover crops on the soil biota in the field experiments: preliminary results of the SoildiverAgro study)
11:40-12:00 Timo Karhula: Arvioita maaperän biologista monimuotoisuutta edistävän viljelykäytännön talousvaikutuksista (Estimations about the economic effects of farming practices that promote soil biodiversity).
In 2022 this event reached over 500 participants.
More information about the event here: