The European Commission launched the Mission Soil Manifesto, which calls for action to respond to the urgent need to protect and improve soil health in Europe and beyond. Sign the Manifesto as a representative of a legal entity or as an individual and stand up for soil health!
You will join a community that cares about soils, have the chance to network with others and be informed about the latest research results and activities of the Mission Soil.
Names of legal entities that sign will be published on the official Mission Soil website.
The Mission Soil Manifesto is a non-legally buining document open for signatories in particular calling representative of a legal entity (such as a municipality, a region, a private or public company or organisation, an education or research institution), and individuals. The Manifesto is part of the activities under the Horizon Europe Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ which legal basis is the Regulation (EU) 2021/695.
The Manifesto is available in all EU languages. The Manifesto can be signed here.