Datagri Virtual 2020
Datagri Virtual 2020#DatagriVirtual2020 ? Del 16 al 20 de noviembre, las principales tendencias de transformación #digital en el sector #agrario y las historias de éxito que están acelerando este proceso a lo largo de la cadena de valor se analizarán en diferentes formatos online. @DatAgriForo #Olive, #AnimalTech, #Vineyards, #crops, #fruits #vegetables #industry40 #IoT #tech #agro #IDi #artificialintelligence #farming #multiactors
SoildiverAgro at EUGreenWeek
On 9th of June Soildiveragro will present its first results for improving soil biodiversity in European agro-systems in the #EUGreenWeek On the occasion of the celebration of the EU Green Week 2021, FEUGA organizes an online event under the title " ZERO POLUTION SOCIETY: citizens and industry to climb on a circular strategy". In this online event, which will be held between 9th and 10th and will have simultaneous translation from English to Spanish, and from Spanish to English; a…
European Mission Soil Week
CSIC Headquarters Calle Serrano 117, Madrid, SpainThe European Mission Soil Week will take place in Madrid, Spain on 21-23 November 2023. It will give visibility to the importance of soil protection, restoration and monitoring, and discuss solutions towards more sustainable land management. Under the title 'Leading the transition towards healthy soils', the European Mission Soil week will be held on 21-23 November 2023. The event will be held in Madrid, Spain. The first European Mission Soil Fair, the EU Soil Observatory Stakeholders’ Forum, and the PREPSOIL project are joining forces to organise…
Network to Innovate: Regenerative Agriculture
On the 12th of December 2023, National Rural Networks of Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Poland are organizing the workshop „Network to Innovate: Regenerative Agriculture.“ The workshops will give the opportunity to meet other actors in the field, exchange knowledge and possibly even form new partnerships. The main aim of the event is networking and knowledge exchange on projects from Nordic-Baltic countries and different funding sources/measures. All interested participants are welcome. The working language of the workshop is English. The webinar will…
ESA Symposium on earth observation for soil protection and restoration
ESA Largo Galileo Galilei, 1, Frascati, ItalyIn the context of the EU soil strategy for 2030, ESA is committed to monitor and service the soil restauration requirements with the Earth observation means and technologies set in place, particularly through Copernicus. The ESA Symposium on Earth observation for soil protection and restoration will take place in Frascati, near Rome, on the 6th and 7th of March 2024. We would like to count with your expertise and contributions to the key discussion topics: EU Soil policy and Earth Observation: institutional implementation, research, industry,…