Our colleague Annely Kuu will give a short presentation on 3rd December about new SoildiverAgro findings. The online event Konverents toimub üle veebi: liitu konverentsi ülekandega siit promoted by our partner Estonian University of Life Sciences will take part in the 12th Soil Day.
She will talk about the abundance and biodiversity of earthworms on the fields with three different agricultural technologies (ecological, conventional and direct sowing managed fields) and how the hot summer of 2021 affected the life of earthworms. Focusing on the environmental conditions (precipitation and temperature) suffered this summer, and the statistics on the abundance and diversity of earthworms, she will also add a little soil physics and microbial biomass and respiration to see if and how it affected these parameters.
You can join the event here: https://pk.emu.ee/mullap%C3%A4ev
Dr Annely Kuu has been engaged in research of soil biota since 2000 and from September 2021, she is part of the SoildiverAgro Nemoral team. She is experienced in the study of meso and macrofauna indicators of soil (population density, abundance, biomass, composition, age, life forms).