Interactions between agricultural management and soil biodiversity: an overview of current knowledge
Edición: Diego Soto-Gómez, Merrit Shanskiy and David Fernández-Calviño (Novembro, 2020)
Handbook on case studies set up, protocols for sampling, sample procedure and analysis
Edición: Diego Soto Gómez, David Fernández Calviño, Kristian Koefoed Brandt, Lieven Waeyenberge, Raúl Zornoza and Silvia Martínez Martínez (Novembro,2020)
Protocols for sampling, general soil characterization and soil biodiversity analysis
Edición: David Fernández Calviño, Diego Soto Gómez, Kristian Koefoed Brandt and Lieven Waeyenberge (Xuño,2020)