The Root Phenotyping Working Group of the International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN) is now offering Travel support grants (2 grants, up to 500 EUR each) to early career researchers participating in the Global Soil Biodiversity Conference (Dublin, March 13th-15th 2023).
Travel Grant Applications are due by March 8th to:
Saoirse Tracy, Vice Chair of the Root Phenotyping Working Group, IPPN
· Early career researchers (within PhD or 5 full time years from PhD completion)
· Confirmed participation with a talk or poster at the conference.
· Research using root phenotyping.
Please provide one page maximum motivation letter, CV and a letter of support from your supervisor.
The motivation letter must have:
– Name, institute, full time years since completing PhD (from date on your Graduation certificate)
– Current area of research and interest in root phenotyping
– Why are you attending the GSB2023.
– Please provide the title and abstract submitted to the GSB2023.
The IPPN encourages mobility among researchers and enhances international contacts between research groups.