SoildiverAgro finish partners LUKE are organizing a joint event with another project, LuovaMix, in which to present the outcomes and experiences about the SoildiverAgro’s boreal case studies cs14a and cs14b concerning the reduced tillage in wheat fields. The event is expected to initiate a lively discussion with farmers and stakeholders from the region about the strategy and main results.
This LuovaMix & SoildiverAgro joint event will be held in on Thursday, April 4, 2024, from 10 am to 4 pm at the at Knehtilä’s farm, Haapasaarentie 75, Hyvinkää, Finland. Senior scientists from Luke Krista Peltoniemi, Visa Nuutinen and Marleena Hagner will be presenting results from the agricultural studies focusing on the soil biological diversity, Annika Tienhaara about the farmer’s interest towards farming practices and Timo Karhula about the farm-level economic effects of practices that support soil diversity.
Farmers Tuomas Mattila From Kilipä farm and Juuso Joona from Tyynelä farm will describe the case study cs14a and cs14b experimental set ups made on their farms. And then, related questions will be addressed to start the discussion: How does the farming system and production method affect different soil organisms? What is the significance of the diversity of soil organisms?
Coffee and lunch will be served.
Do not miss it!! Agenda & registration through this link: