Belgium partners started spreading invitations for discussion group for the SoildiverAgro project.
Date & location: the event is planned for May 19th 2020 (in replacement of the cancelled one end of March). Location is online. Invitations were spread to a wide public in Flanders (growers, advisors, government officers, researchers,… more or less linked to vegetable cultivation) by e-mail.
Interested people who cannot attend are invited to share their thoughts by e-mail or phone. A description and overview of the trial setup is sent together with the invitation.
Name of the event: “Discussion group: soil life and soil quality in vegetable cultivation” (in Dutch “Discussiegroep: bodemleven en bodemkwaliteit in de groenteteelt”)
Description/Agenda: the discussion group mainly is organised in the context of case study 8, which focuses on the differences between intensive & extensive and conventional & organic horticulture. It is schedule 1,5 hour to talk about the needs and difficulties concerning soil quality in horticulture. After there will be a discussion towards the trial setup based on the experience of the attendees. The objective of this cocreation model pursues to find a system which can improve soil quality, but, important, also feasible for growers.
Join here!
Overzicht PSKW – SoildiverAgro | Uitnodiging online discussiegroep |