Technical University of Cartagena
Technical University of Cartagena, as known as UPCT, is a public university based in Cartagena, Murcia. It has schools mainly specialized in Agricultural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Architecture and Business Administration studies. It was founded in 1998.
José A. Acosta
PhD in Agronomy. Research on environmental risk assessment and reduction, nutrient dynamics, greenhouse gas emissions, phytoremediation and valorization of organic and industrial wastes. Participation on WP3-Soil biodiversity assessment in European cropping systems and WP5-Impacts of soil biodiversity on crop production and other ecosystem services.
+34 968 325 667 |
Juan A. Fernández
Dr. Juan A. Fernández is Vegetable Crops Professor at the Technical University of Cartagena. His research activity focuses on growing technologies in both open air and protected cultivation, nitrogen fertilization and nitrate pollution and molecular and morphological characterization of genetic resources. He is involved in WP2, WP5 and WP8.
+34 968 325 446 |
Javier Calatrava
Professor of Agricultural Economics and Policy and Rural Sociology at UPCT. Research experience on agricultural, resource and environmental economics, mainly focused on the economics and policy of water resources management and agricultural soil conservation.
Deputy coordinator of WP7 and task leader in WP2, WP6 and WP7.
+34 968 325 906 |
Josefina Contreras Gallego
PhD in Agronomy, specialist in Crop Protection, specifically in Integrated Pest Management, working on alternative methods of control of pests and diseases. My role in this project is to carry out the control of pests arising in the different case study, to assess the reduction of damage in different cropping systems avoiding the maximum use of pesticides and their effects in the entomofauna and the ecosystem (WP5).
+34 968 327 087 |
Catalina Egea-Gilabert
Degree in Chemistry and PhD in Biochemistry from Universidad de Murcia (Spain). Postdoctorate at The University of Nottingham (UK). Professor of Plant Physiology at Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain). The lines of research are based on plant defense, stress induction to increase the nutritional quality of the plant, and molecular characterization of plant genetic resources.
+34 968 325 520 |
María Dolores Gómez-López
Phd Agricultural Engineering and Project Engineering Professor in Technical University of Cartagena. Research activity in aid decision support system in environmental management, LCA and economy circular. Some of her works are linked to aid decision support, slurry management, sustainable use of water in agriculture, diversification in agriculture and phytoremediation.
In SoildiverAgro works in WP2 and WP6.
+34 968 325 668 |
Silvia Martínez
Silvia Martínez is professor at UPCT. Doctor in Agronomy. Main lines of research are based on valorization of organic and industrial wastes, environmental rehabilitation of degraded sites using phytoremediation techniques, wastewater treatment systems (artificial wetlands) and sustainable soil management practices.
WP5 Coordinator.
+34 968 327 064 |
Eva Lloret
PhD in Environmental Sciences. Main research interest focused on soil biochemistry, soil microbial communities, nutrient cycling, functional genes, and organic amendments and their effects on plants. I participate in SoildiverAgro Work Packages 2, 3, and 5 either performing data mining (WP2), or laboratory and bioinformatics analysis (WP3 and WP5).
+34 968 177 746 |
Alicia Morugan
PhD in Environmental Sciences. Her line of research provides an emerging outcome about soil quality of agricultural soils in semiarid regions.
Her role in SoildiverAgro project is the development of surveys and compilation of information about challenges and end-users needs (WP2).
Irene Ollio
Bachelor in Biology from the University of Messina (Italy), Master’s degree in Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology from University of Messina (Italy) and a second Master in Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Food Research and Development from UPCT (Spain). Currently researcher at UPCT with a fellowship provided by SoildiverAgro project. Involved in WP3, WP4 and WP5.
+39 3473 809 888 |
Raúl Zornoza Belmonte
PhD in Environmental Sciences. Expert in soil quality and degradation, soil microbial diversity, organic matter dynamics and sustainable soil management practices.
+34 868 071 130 |