Work package 1

Work Package 1 (WP1): Consortium coordination and project management

D. Fernández-Calviño.

Deputy Leader: CONTACTICA S.L. (Spain)

The overall objective is to lead and coordinate the project by providing a clear management structure and procedures to ensure the effective management and technical coordination of the project, building strong communication with the consortium and external interactions.

WP1 is linked to all WPs and partners.

The specific objectives are:

  • To stablish project management procedures and structures to ensure an effective project management.
  • To perform a correct and appropriate scientific coordination to ensure all the project objectives are clearly defined and efficiently achieved.
  • To guarantee that project activities are executed with efficient use of resources, time and budget. To identify risks and issue corrective action plan as necessary.
  • To ensure an efficient financial and legal management.
  • To facilitate an adequate project coordination with other related projects and the European Commission.
  • To guarantee that gender equality issues are taken into account in the project.

Faculty of Sciences
Polithecnic Building
32004 Ourense (Spain)

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