Lähetä lomake ja tartu mahdollisuuteen jakaa kokemuksia ja saada tietoa maan biologisen monimuotoisuuden merkityksestä peltotuotantoon ja sen tuottamiin ekosysteemipalveluihin.
Responsible partner
Luke, (Finland)
Krista Peltoniemi
Doctor (PhD) Krista Peltoniemi is a senior scientist and has expertise on soil microbiomes. She has experience on studies of soil microbial communities (fungi, bacteria, actinobacteria, methanogenic archaea and methanotrophic bacteria), their diversity after environmental changes and their relationships in various environments. Her main task in the projects is to act as a regional coordinator for Boreal region on behalf of all Finnish partners Luke, Petla, Kilpiä and Tyynelä farms. She is involved in all WPs, and her expertize will be utilized in the soil microbiological anayses concerning WP3 and WP5.
Regional coordinator of boreal region, deputy coordinator of WP3.
+358 29 532 5585 | krista.peltoniemi@luke.fi