SoildiverAgro Regional Communities
Do you want to know more about our SoildiverAgro Community? Search on the map and select the Regional Community you want to be involved in, there you will find the Regional coordinator contact, regional forms to join and also all the news related. Select the region and stay tuned!!
Submit the form and take the chance to exchange experiences and knowledge about the importance of soil biodiversity, production and ecosystem services. Check the information below regarding each community!
Lähetä lomake ja tartu mahdollisuuteen jakaa kokemuksia ja saada tietoa maan biologisen monimuotoisuuden merkityksestä peltotuotantoon ja sen tuottamiin ekosysteemipalveluihin.
Responsible partner
Luke, (Finland)
Krista Peltoniemi

Doctor (PhD) Krista Peltoniemi is a senior scientist and has expertise in soil microbiomes. She has experience in studies of soil microbial communities (fungi, bacteria, actinobacteria, methanogenic archaea and methanotrophic bacteria), their diversity after environmental changes and their relationships in various environments. Her main task in the projects is to act as a regional coordinator for Boreal region on behalf of all Finnish partners Luke, Petla, Kilpiä and Tyynelä farms. She is involved in all WPs, and her expertise will be utilized in the soil microbiological analysis concerning WP3 and WP5.
Regional coordinator of boreal region, deputy coordinator of WP3.
+358 29 532 5585 |
Check the Boreal section at Regional Communities and case studies booklet here.
News about the Boreal area
SoildiverAgro at the XII Soil Science Days 2025
Esitage vorm ja kasutage võimalust vahetada kogemusi ja teadmisi mulla bioloogilise mitmekesisuse, tootmise ja ökosüsteemi teenuste tähtsuse kohta.
Responsible partner
EULS, (Estonia)
Merrit Shanskiy

PhD in field crop husbandry, associated professor of soil science at Estonian University of Life Sciences, Chair of Soil Science. Main fields of research are related to soil science and soil biodiversity, plants-soil interactions. EULS researcher-in-charge in the SoildiverAgro project, WP2 leader and involved in several WPs.
Check the Nemoral section at Regional Communities and case studies booklet here.
News about the Nemoral area
SoildiverAgro at the Northern Roots Forum 2025 in Tallinn
New SoildiverAgro Agricultural Events in Estonia
SoildiverAgro in the “Soil Biodiversity” workshop
Reichen Sie das Formular ein und nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit zum Erfahrungs- und Wissensaustausch über die Bedeutung von Bodenbiodiversität, Produktion und Ökosystemdienstleistungen.
Responsible partner
TI, (Germany)
Stefan Schrader

Stefan Schrader is Deputy Head of the Thünen-Institute of Biodiversity in Braunschweig, Germany, and leader of the soil zoology working group. He is Professor for Soil Biology and Soil Ecology at the Technical University of Braunschweig. His research activity focuses on functional diversity of soil fauna and its provision of ecosystem services in agricultural systems.
Regional Coordinator: Continental.
WP5 Deputy Leader.
Check the Continental section at Regional Communities and case studies booklet here
News about the Continental area
FAR meets farmers
SoildiverAgro Posters for Case Studies
New Regional Meeting at the Continental pedoclimatic region
Field day at the German experimental plots
Dien het formulier in en grijp de kans om ervaringen en kennis uit te wisselen over het belang van bodembiodiversiteit, productie en ecosysteemdiensten.
Responsible partner
EV-ILVO, (Belgium)
Lieven Waeyenberge

Member of the Project Management and Scientific Board, Atlantic Central regional coordinator and WP3 leader. Additionally involved in WP2, WP4, WP5, WP7 and WP8. | ResearchGate | Website
Check the Atlantic section at Regional Communities and case studies booklet here
News about the Atlantic central area
SoildiverAgro at a Training Session for Regional Growers in Belgium
Update of Case Study 7 (Atlantic central, Belgium)
Pomona potatoes planting day
Completa o formulario e aproveita a oportunidade de intercambiar experiencias e coñecementos sobre a importancia da biodiversidade do solo, a produción e os servicios ambientais.
Responsible partner
UVIGO, (Spain)
Paula Pérez Rodríguez
Agricultural engineer and PhD in Soil Science. Postdoctoral researcher in Plant and Soil Science Department at the University of Vigo. Research experience in soil heavy metals pollution, heavy metals immobilization by bio adsorbents, nutrients and pollutants interaction in plant-rhizosphere-soil system, degradation mechanisms and nutrient sources by stable isotopes.
+34 988 387 059 |
Check the Lusitanian section at Regional Communities and case studies booklet here
News about the Lusitanian area
Aeromycological Insights: Unveiling the World of Cereal Crop Pathogens
Promotional video from SoildiverAgro
SoildiverAgro is featured in a regional newspaper!
New strategies in potato cultivation by SoildiverAgro
Completa el formulario y aprovecha la oportunidad de intercambiar experiencias y conocimientos sobre la importancia de la biodiversidad del suelo, la producción y los servicios ambientales.
Responsible partner
UPCT, (Spain)
Raúl Zornoza

PhD in Environmental Sciences. Expert in soil quality and degradation, soil microbial diversity, organic matter dynamics and sustainable soil management practices.
+34 868 071 130 |
Check the Mediterranean section at Regional Communities and case studies booklet here
News about the Mediterranean south area
Regional Meeting of SoildiverAgro in Murcia
SoildiverAgro heading for USA
SoildiverAgro Posters for Case Studies
Harvesting melon at Cartagena