
SoildiverAgro 2024 General Assembly Held in Tartu, Estonia

The SoildiverAgro 2024 General Assembly took place in Tartu, Estonia, on May 28th and 29th, marking a significant milestone as the project enters its final year. This five-year initiative has shown substantial progress, and the assembly served as a platform to consolidate final conclusions and outline forthcoming steps. The event began on Tuesday morning, with leaders of various Work Packages (WPs) providing both general and specific updates on their progress. Notably, WP 3, 4, and 5 are nearing completion, with…

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SoildiverAgro presentation at the Finnish Agricultural Science Days

Last week we celebrated Maataloustieteenpäivät (The Finnish Agricultural Science Days)! Between the 10th and 11th of January, our partner Luke participated in a national scientific meeting that brought together over 600 participants, including researchers, teachers, students, entrepreneurs and experts from different sectors of agronomy in Finland, to hear about the latest scientific research results and projects. In one of the sessions on a multidisciplinary approach to farmland diversity, Senior Scientist and Boreal Regional Coordinator Krista Peltoniemi, Research Scientist Annika Tienhaara…

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SoildiverAgro heading for USA

Our partner UPCT is going to represent SoildiverAgro at the ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting in Saint Louis, USA, from October 29th to November 1st. Raul Zornoza will be presenting two groundbreaking papers: Oral Presentation. “Soil and Climatic Characteristics Along with Farming System Are Shaping Bacterial and Fungal Communities in European Cereal Fields.” Session date/time: October 30, 2023, from 7:55 AM to 12:00 PM. Be there to witness Raul’s insights into how soil and climate, combined with farming systems,…

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SoildiverAgro’s technical committee meets in Brussels to lay the groundwork for the study on soil biodiversity impacts

SoildiverAgro’s technical committee members meet in Brussels today to decide on the details of the implementation of the study of the impacts of soil biodiversity on crop production and other ecosystem services. During this meeting, the size, number of parcels and replicates, as well as the different treatments and cycles of each regional case study will be decided. Another interesting point to be addressed during the meeting will concern crop growth, the incidence of pests or diseases and crop performance…

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SoildiverAgro partners meet in Santiago(Spain) for the kick-off meeting

The twenty-two partners from the different countries which compose the SoildiverAgro consortium attended to the project kick-off meeting, that took place on June 19th and was hosted by FEUGA. Over the two days the meeting lasted, each WP leader explained how they intend to implement the activities set out in the report over the next five years to achieve the objectives of the project. The meeting was a great opportunity for the 22 partners of the consortium from Spain, Finland,…

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Faculty of Sciences
Polithecnic Building
32004 Ourense (Spain)

© SoildiverAgro 2025